[ アンティーク・ショップ Antique Shop ]


1階から入って宗教画や十字架、古い地図などの品々を眺めて、階段で5〜6階まで 上がっていくが、探している物はなかなか見つからない。
諦めかけた頃に目の前で、 鍵のかかった凝った装丁の分厚い本を買ってゆく男がいて、わたしはそれを見て「あっ あれだ!」と思う。 慌てて男を追いかけるが、階段を降りるのが一足遅れ、間に合わない。


In my childhood, at midnight.

I am in an unfamilier town with European-style buildings. There is a shop which looks like an antique art shop. I go in from the 1st floor and looking at religious paintings, crosses, old maps and so on, ascend the stairs to 5th or 6th floor, but cannot find what I am looking for. When I am about to give up, I see a man who just bought a thick, elaborately bound locked book. Having a look at it I think "Ah, That's it!" and quickly follow the man, but I just miss him.

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