[カード The cards ]


よくよく辺りを見回すと、正面に座った男には目がひとつしかなく、 その横の男は奇妙に細い腕に大きな手袋をしている。もうひとりは 笑うと口が耳まで裂ける。全員、人間なのかどうかさえわからない けれども、そんなに恐い感じはしない。
ゲームは難航して、私のところにはろくなカードが来ない。 うんうん唸りながらカードを見つめて迷っていると、ひとつ目の男が「カードばかり考えてたら、何のゲームだかわからなくなる」 と呑気に歌うように忠告する。 それで、私は顔を上げた。


A little while ago, in the midnight.

I am at a bar in the night time, playing a card game with some people. I lookaround carefully, and find the man in front of me has only one eye and the man next to him has curiously thin arms and wearing big gloves. Another one has a mouth which splits from ear to ear when he laughs. I don't even know if they are men, but I don't feel that frightened. The game does not go smoothly and I cannot have good cards. As I' m staring at the cards groaning and wondering, the one-eyed man says, "If you just think about the cards, you won't know what kind of game you're playing" as if he were singing. With that I look up.

I find a baby fast asleep in a tiny basket by the table.

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