
[ エレベーター 〜A elevator ]


合流して、部屋に向かうエレベーターに乗り込む。ビルは海の近くにあるらしく、やがてガラス張りの窓の外に海面が見えてきた。ざぶん、と音が してエレベーターは海の中を進んでいく。延々と、とても長い。 50階、 100階、揺れながら深く深く沈んでいく。外にいる魚が深海魚に変わり、 暗くなり、マリンスノーが眩しくなってゆく。
隣にいる友人を思いながら、こんなところに暮らしていたらきっと寒い だろうな、体が冷えないだろうか、と心配している。


Very recently, just before waking up.

I go to visit my friend's house. She is standing in fromt of the building in which she lives, waiting for me. I join her and we get in the elevator which leads to her room. It seems the bilding is near the sea and eventually the sea surface can be seen outside the glass window. I hear a splash and the elevator goes down the sea. It goes down and down, for quite a while. 50th floor, 100th floor, the elevator goes deeply down and down, shaking. The fish outside change to abyssal kinds, and marine snow becomes dazzling. Looking at my friend next to me I wonder and worry, it must be cold to live in such a place, doesn't she get cold?

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